Member Benefits
Benefits of Membership
- Keeps You Informed with the latest information about the events and issues shaping the home care profession.
- Educates Your Staff through dozens of programs designed to sharpen skills and stay up-to-date on new developments, all at reduced rates for members.
- Advocates for You by working closely with lawmakers and regulators to advance our members’ interests, both on Smith Hill and in Washington.
- Keeps You Connected through membership meetings, email discussions and, coming new this year, an electronic newsletter and dynamic website that facilitate peer-to-peer networking, information exchange, and support.
- Spring Conference & Trade Show:
Held in late May, the New England Home Care Conference & Trade Show is a great opportunity to hear the best speakers in the home care industry, attend top-rate workshops, network with peers, and see exhibitions of the latest services and technology. Members receive discounted registration fees and exhibition booths; sponsor-ship opportunities are also available.
- Political & Regulatory Action
While our members run their agencies, we’re busy representing them on Smith Hill and in Washington. Our professional lobbyist and staff specialists have built solid relations with political and regulatory officials, and are active members of state and national councils, committees, and task forces that affect the home care and hospice industry.
Associate Members Benefits
- Increase your visibility – Expose your business to a wider audience of home care business owners and decision-makers.
- Build Relationships- Build relationships with potential referral sources or customers
- Access Information- Keep informed of the latest trends and issues in the hospice and home care industry so that your business stays current
- Workshops and Seminars- Grow your knowledge base
- Cost Effective Advertising- targeted, affordable options to showcase your business through website advertising, trade show exhibitions and sponsorship opportunities.
- Leadership Development- eligibility to join committees and/or be elected to the Board , helping to chart the course of the Partnership